On the walk


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Last Friday I went out on a date with one of my girls. She managed to get me a discount through her aunt on the 2013 Pascualina. When I was a kid, I used to buy religiously each and every year my Pascualina until there was a year I stopped. This year I wanted to retake that and since she knew I wanted one she got me a discount in a store. 

Everything started very early and my dad gave me a ride to the closest On the Run to my friend's place. I stayed there approximately two hours and a half with a cup of capuccino in one hand and a copy of my Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami on the other. At a decent hour I then walked to my friend's place and met with her. Not late after, I took a bus with her to my uni to do run some errands. She and another friend are going to start studying there, in the same Faculty, this year. After we finished, we stopped at a drugstore to buy water and something to eat. We then walked to the store to get my Pascualina and then took a taxi to El Dorado Mall. We were hungry and I remembered there's this pizza place that opened recently so we head there to try the food. The pizza wasn't that yummy, and it wasn't bad either, but going there was sure an interesting experience. The decoration theme surrounded the sicilian mafia and there were hanging on the walls pictures of famous gangsters like Al Capone. Other walls were decorated with the honor code of the Mafia (Cosa Nostra). It was fun. We then headed to the mall, window shopped a bit and parted ways. 

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