Favorites from Tokyo Fashion 2012


[  F a s h i o n   &   J a p a n  ]

I've got to congratulate myself this year. 
Compared to my past self, who only knew how to read and inform myself about specific street fashions, I've been a lot more aware about international trends and more aware of what goes on in the streets of Japan. If anything, this year I reconfirmed where my inspiration resides and in which direction it takes me. It doesn't matter how Europe still leads fashion in term of production, the twist that Japan gives to global trends and its own unique street styles makes it a one-of-a-kind. 

Japan is over all bold, unique, funky and fresh

They know how to do sexy without being vulgar, pile up textures and colors without making you go blind, being cute without making you develop a phobia to sugar and make you feel dreamy with soft and creamy colors, textures and themes. 

Since long ago I've been a frequent visitor of the site Tokyo Fashion but this year I made a promise to myself to check daily what's going on in the other side of the world. -of course, when you're into something, don't forget to check Tumblr, other blogs and other websites-.

Today I want to share with you 50 of my favorite street snaps of this 2012 made by Tokyo Fashion

In chronological order: 

To kick off with 2012, two girls on Jan. 1st

Jan. 8
Kumamiki. Owner of Party Baby and one of the organizers of the Harajuku Fashion Walk.
Her Twitter

Jan. 8
Mina. 20 years old. Fav. Band: Plastic Tree

Jan. 17
Seiko. 28 years old.

Jan. 26
Akira. 20 years old. Fav. Band: Radwimps
-Those leggins-

Feb. 1
Mayupu. 16 years old. 
Her Blog

Such a beauty and interesting facial features. She's what I call a 'spooky beauty'. 

March 1
Thanks to the guy this photo is here. 

He's awesome. 
Yamazaki. 32 years old. Company employee (say what!?)

March 16.
Suzu and Ito. Both 17 years old highschool girls. Fav. Band: The Beatles.

April 8.
Introducing one of the hottest couples on Earth: Ricky & Yui. 
Ricky's Twitter Account and Yui's.
(I'll openly say that I have a hard crush with Ricky and I'm in love with both as a couple)

April 11
And talking about perfection: Aran. 20 years old. 
(I'm just -in love- with him)

April 21.
Yui. Host. 
And yes, he's a guy. A beautiful and cool guy.

April 24
Avano. 19 years old / Kana. 19 years old / Tsugumi. 19 years old. 

May 2
Mio. 21 years old. Bunka Fashion Student.

May 5
Shiho. 22 years old / Shinji. 22 years old.

And she's gorgeous.

May 13
Amo. 24 years old. 

May 21
She doesn't need an introduction but...
Juria Nakagawa. 16 years old.
Her Twitter and her Tumblr

She's another girl with a 'spooky beauty'. Later you'll see why.

May 30

June 1
Ruki & Yui being fabulous, sexy and gorgeous again

June 11.
This is just beaaaauuutiful!!

How gorgeous is that  hair piece?

June 24
Fashion Design Student.

She's gorgeous.

June 26
Marina. 18 years old. Fashion College Student.
Check out her Blog.
As an interesting fact, she's got a split tongue. 

July 9
Norimi. Founder of the indie jewelry brand Alice Black. 
Visit Alice Black's Website

July 13
Shunsuke. Fashion assistant.

Perfect face. How can he be so gorgeous?

July 13
Aoi. 18 years old.
She's another beauty. This is herTwitter

July 29
Koichi. 20 years old.
He's -HOT- and guys with skirt? <3

August 7
Anna. 19 years old. Beauty School student.

August 14
Moco. Bunka Fashion College student. Co-founder of the brand Strawberry Planet and Mello
Check out her Blog

September 22
Here we have again, Kumamiki
(Her hair, cute!)

September 26
Riki. 20 years old.
another hottie ;)
His eyes

Oct. 14
Hoshiko. 26 years old / Konomilk 21

She's the beauty. 

Oct. 19
Erika. 22 years old

Oct. 20
Popular twins Miho & Maho with Chamii. 
They're THE thing. They always hang out with Riki & Yui + another bunch of cool people that likes BOY London. And actually if you go to BOY London's Official Website, Miho & Maho are featured on the cover page. 
Check out Miho's Twitter, Maho's Twitter and Chamii's Tumblr 

Oct. 25
This girl as well doesn't need an introduction but!
Hirari Ikeda. Beauty school student, model. 
Visit her Twitter and Tumblr 

Another beauty. A 'spooky beauty'

Oct. 26
Mizu. 23 years old. Remake fashion designer / Seonho. 19 years old. Bunka Fashion College student and model. His Twitter Account
(Seonho adding to the hotness I presented earlier)

Oct. 30
Masaya. 20 years old. Beauty School student. 
Did I already mention the word 'hot' before? 
Well..yeah, he's hot. 

Nov. 1
Honami. 19 years old. Fav. bands: 2NE1 & Super Junior. 

How can she be this pretty?

Nov. 3
Juria Nakagawa. 

This is what I'm saying about 'spooky beauty'. Little head, big soulless eyes, "heavy" makeup.

Nov. 5


Nov. 8

Another beauty

Nov. 22
Minori. Artist/Designer.

This is just wonderful. So pretty and she's ultra talented. If you ever wonder about her white face, that's the point of the shiro-nuri subculture (according to TokyoFashion). I came across this information and get to know her work thanks to them. Check out their current Feature on Minori. 

Nov. 23
Kimura Yu. Kera Magazine model and singer

Nov. 27

Dec. 5
Matsuri. 24 years old. Works in apparel

Dec. 6

Dec. 10

Ultimate beauty 

Dec. 11
Ketsumo. 16 years old.

Dec. 13
Tsumire. 23 years old. Bunka College Fashion Student.
(After seeing her short yukata, I want to do one for myself. Just like this. Gorgeous!)

Dec. 20
Anami. 19 years old. Fav. Band: Big Bang
(She's too cute and cool)

Dec. 21
Here's the second hottest couple on Earth after Ricky & Yui: Aran & Hiromi. 
She's also 20 and a beauty college student. 
Check out Hiromi's Twitter

Dec. 25
And to close, this is You. 17 years old. 
Check out her Twitter
-Patterns and colors are mixed and matched in such a beautiful way. Amazing!-

Let this 2013 be a good year for me in terms of breathing and pouring my personal style and all the crazy fashion I want to try and so let it be for you,


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