Shopping & Gifts


[  D e c e m b e r  ]

I'm currently obssesed with Haruki Murakami. 
I deeply recommend you to read at least one of his books and sink in his style.
Bought Tokyo Blues on the first days of December in a sale. At the time I was frustrated with everything in my life and was kind of depressed but thanks to TB I was able to move on with everything. Later I'll do a review. 
I was intrigued by the author so I decided to hunt some more books of him. On mid December I bought 1Q84 and 2 days before Christmas I bought Sputnik, my love (which I finished reading in like 3 days? -recommended-)
Oh and today I found HM's Kafka on the Shore. Who do you think bought a book today? c:

As a congratulatory gift for surviving this semester and as a big fan of Harry Potter I bought the first book of this series in Spanish (I've got all books in Spanish and English, only this was missing) and of course "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", a supplementary book of HP, which I haven't read yet. 

One of my bf bought this for me as a birthday gift. It's gorgeous! It looks like something someone from the twilight world (Zelda Twilight Princess) would wear. 

And this too as a birthday gift from the same friend. 

(↓ Birthday gift from my cousins)
These and everything that comes next are my Christmas gifts I bought myself. 

After lusting for a whole of 3 months and a half for these, I finally had the chance to buy them. 
These are my p.i.m.p. shoes 8D how do you like it?

It's true I spent months and months without buying something for me and it's true that sometimes I had to borrow clothes from my sister because I didn't have anything to wear but I think that after this I need to take a break from the stores or else I'll keep buying and spending money like crazy.

Hoping you grab something for yourself too -and especially for this upcoming summer-,


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